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For Immediate Release—Pine Brook, NJ September 21,2016—Jersey United Soccer Club, a non-profit entity focused on providing quality training and exposure to collegiate coaches, announced today a partnership with Learning Associates, an educational consulting company that provides individualized educational services to children and adults of all academic profiles.

Learning Associates has been offering services since 1981. Through the Jersey United partnership, members will have the opportunity to be regularly educated on the importance of the academic process while they pursue their passion for sport through seminars, podcasts and social media.

The importance of academic accomplishment for recruited athletes is imperative to play collegiate soccer. Having known each other for 10 years, it was natural for Club President and Founder, Martin Brown and Director of the College Admissions Program at Learning Associates LLC, Larry Blumenstyk to form a strategic partnership to benefit our student athletes.

“I’m very excited to have Larry advising our youth players on the important balance of education and the recruitment process within the club. Helping players understand all that goes into getting to the next level as an athlete and student will create an environment where players are working toward that ultimate goal of getting to the next level,” said Brown.

“My daughter, Julia, was part of the Jersey United program and was able to be recruited and play at the collegiate level. The club is a great platform for youth players and with the addition of our programs from Learning Associates into Jersey United’s Curriculum, we can help create the ultimate one stop shop for a player aspiring to play collegiate soccer,” said Blumenstyk.

About Jersey United Jersey United was formed in 2004 under the direction of Martin Brown. The program started as a training organization in 2004 with the Get the Edge Training program and has grown into a multi-level organization consisting of camps, clinics, facility management and a non-profit College Showcase Soccer Club. The company currently supports a coaching staff of 10. For more information, follow us on Facebook: @jerseyunitedspartans, Twitter: @JUSpartans, Instagram: @jersey_united_spartans and/or

About Learning Associates

Learning Associates offers an unusually broad range of consulting services including comprehensive educational evaluations, school placement advising, college admissions coaching, educational consulting, school advocacy and expert witness services and has helped thousands of students meet their educational goals. For more details about our services, please follow us on Facebook: @LearningAssociates, Twitter: @LearnMorristown, LinkedIn and

Media Contacts Sean Davies Assistant Director of Coaching

Marketing and Supplementary Programs

Writer's picture: Learning AssociatesLearning Associates

What makes our college advising different? Students and their families have many options when it comes to college advising, from the school guidance counselor to a variety of private consultants. Often college counseling is delivered as a standard, linear process that relies on formulaic checklists. While useful, this model is limited and certainly does not fit every student, nor should it. Every young person is unique and college applicants are choosing among thousands of colleges which run the gamut in style and content. Learning Associates utilizes a more holistic approach to our clients, just as the colleges that provide an outstanding education do when evaluating applicants. We consider the specific needs, strengths, and weaknesses of each student to customize a plan. Beyond grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities, we work to highlight each student’s unique qualities within the constraints of the application. We personally guide and coach each applicant through the entire process to ensure the strength of the application and, ultimately, the best results.

So as the admissions cycle for the college Class of 2020 comes to an end, we are very proud to share our students’ results: • 83% Acceptance rate (excluding waitlisted) • Total amount of merit, non-need based aid offered: $2,305,000 over 4 years • Average 4-year merit award: $52,384

Some highlights from where we have been and where we’re going next:

This spring Holly’s day school visits included York Prep and the Professional Children’s School (both in Manhattan), Montclair Kimberley Academy, Gill St. Bernard’s, the Ben Samuels Children Center at Montclair State University, and many public schools.

Larry toured Swarthmore College in April as part of a small group of Independent Educational Consultants. The admissions office presented an update on the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success (, which is rolling out a new application platform. Then Professor E. Carr Everbach, the Chair of the Engineering department, personally led a discussion session about Swarthmore’s unique engineering program within a very small, elite liberal arts college. This was followed by a tour of the engineering facilities with Professor Everbach as their guide.

In May, Holly made a quick trip to see three Northeastern boarding schools before students leave for the summer recess. She toured the campuses and met with admission representatives at Berkshire School, Salisbury School, and the Hotchkiss School.

Larry will travel to Philadelphia in June to attend the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) Conference: “Revolution and Innovation in Higher Education.” Discussions and breakout sessions will address many important and timely issues in higher education such as the new SAT, the Coalition Application, and current trends in college admissions.

In September, Holly will participate in the Mid-Atlantic Boarding School group’s Fall tour. She and her colleagues will visit each of the member schools which include Episcopal High School, Mercersburg Academy, Blair Academy, Peddie School and St. Andrew’s School.

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